Wednesday, December 15, 2010


This monstrous snake has no eyes but sensors. It has a poisonous spikes on its bone between its neck and its head. It lives in the deserts and hunts all day every day. It would eat about anything dead or alive. It lives in large burrows. It is 12-15 ft long and goes 5 mph. It can swim rarely but it is not to good at it. It releases poison from its mouth after it has bit you. There is a cure that you can use by poison from a Bump Back Toad because they have opposite fluids in their poison. If you get poison from Bump Back Toads you probably would already be dead because their poison reacts very quickly  do the same thing. It takes a day to kill you from a Viper snake. It is very quiet. It is prey for Trap Door Octopus Plants that live near the border of the desert and the jungle.    


This little 1 ft Hedgehog might look cute when its not hunting or defending itself but when it does it turns into a horrible monster. Beware it has razor sharp claws, strong bight, rock hard spikes and also razor sharp. It mostly eats worms but if you came up to it it would probably think you were a predator and attack.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


If you have seen a praying mantis they eat bugs but Death Mantis eat bugs, people, and about anything that is dead. They grow up to  8-10 feet tall, live 95 years,  and have a thick shell of armor. This vicious monster can chop of your head or stab you. Good luck, your going to need it.

Monday, December 13, 2010


This deadly creature is a relative to death raptor. They are very deadly. They get their name Whisper because they whisper very lowly. They have great sense of hearing so they can hear other Whispers 100 of miles away or more. If you were standing 5 feet away from one you could not hear it. They use this technique for mostly hunting to contact others but they also use it for creatures to think they are far away. They hunt in the day and night just like Death Raptors and are 2nd in the food chain. Death Raptors and Whispers don't attack each other because their family. 


The Rhinoceros Turtle's diet is Viper Plants. It is protected by its large shell and the horns on the top of his head. If the Viper Plant tried to attack a Rhinoceros Turtle it would get stabbed because Rhinoceros Turtles have horns every were. The Rhinoceros Turtle is not to smart. Rhinoceros Turtles move very slowly. You don't have to worry about them they are friendly.


This egg is from the Rhinoceros Turtle species. This egg is life size. This egg has no protection to defend itself but its mother will protect it till its born.


Vicious Daydreamer got its name because its nocturnal and very vicious. Their food diet are worms and other bugs. They can grab bugs that are walking above ground. They dig 100 mph, and they can sense vibrations. There blind so they wouldn't know if your a bug but they can tell if something is as heavy as a Rhinoceros Turtle. but any lighter they will pull you down. 

Saturday, December 11, 2010


The Viper Plant might look like a flower when it's closed but when it opens it's a terrible monster. It might not be able to chase you but if you got too close it would eat you. Something that passes would be swallowed up, they open and close there mouth 500 mph. They like popular hunting spots so don't worry you would probably be already dead.


In my picture this toad is life size. He might not look dangerous but what he is spiting out is poison. He is covered in poison slime and the slightest touch will kill you. Its poison can kill an elephant. It moves as slow as a regular toad but stay away from swamps. As you can see the Bump Back Toad has no eyes but those lines are sensors so they mostly rely on that.


This is not as deadly as a Death Raptor but beware at night the Flying Night Viper is nocturnal you might not see it but it would see you. Beware Flying Night Viper has wings so he will out run you, because he has cricked teeth if they bit you, you would have a really bad wound. And don't forget to be prepared at night.


Hello to creation #1. In my imagination he is on top of the food chain. He hunts in the day and night. They would eat anything even you. If you ran into one you have a 30% chance you'll make it alive. If I was you be prepared for anything. Beware they can clime trees, dig, jump 4 feet in the air, bite a giant chunk of flesh, and has vary thick skin. The best way to get away is to pass a river or lake because they can't swim. Good luck.