Sunday, July 29, 2012


Zog live in the Foggy Forest. They nest on the spires. They are half reptile half bird. They are very territorial. Males often fight each other for either a female or territory. The spikes on its tale is used as a weapon.


 This is the map of my island. There are four tribes that live on the the island, they are very different from each other. The volcanic live on Zuko Island, there thick skin allows them to swim and walk in lava. Plantious live in a Forest of Death on a tree village built on trees. These tree are the great Plantious trees that grow larger than average [100 feet up] and only can grow south-west of the island. Desertian live in The Valley in the center of the island. The Valley is home to the most markets on the island and is the only desert on the island. The Desertians have a crystal mining facility on Skull Island and bring it back to make jewelery.  The last tribe is the Amphibious. The live in Lake of Fear. They get energy from the energy crystals at the bottom of the lake. An energy shield prevents water from getting in. They are the most advanced tribe. All four tribe have never fought before and work together as one. Forest of Death is the biggest forest on the whole island and home to many creatures. Foggy forest has most of the creatures that live in Forest of Death but has more reptiles. The haunted forest is home to the Killer Phantom. Only few have seen one. There is history on the Flooded Forest, it is unknown how it was flooded. South-east of the island is a group of mountains called Spires were Zogs build there nests.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


The Dracula Bat is a fierce hunter. They live in the Zuko Island hilltops. It is very rare to find one. They are able to suck most of your blood causing you to die. It will then call many Dracula Bats over but some Xtono come as well. They have 2 front arms on their wings and 2 on their back. They grip on to braches or cave walls with there back arms. They have a devil tail. People made up stories that they came from the underworld in search for souls to prey upon. They are 3 ft tall.  


The Inferno Octopus is a relative species to the Giant Octopus. The are way smaller than a Giant Octopus [10-12 ft tall]. They eat Fire Moss, Baby Crob, Fire Lobster, Splice, Lemenon, Kalomari, Catcher, and Night Mare. They can swim up to 7mph. They live in the Volcanic Plains. If you trie to harm one you will be burned by its hot coat. If put in water it may make the water boil for 5 min. They hunt solo. They can fit into tight spaces./ The Fire Lobster is a 3ft Lobster. They have many names such as Lava Shrimp, Heat Bits, and etc. They are very common and are a very yummy treat.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


DESERTIONS are covered in bandages so they don't get the vary hot sand. They have electricity rods in the ground that gives Imagination Island all its electricity. There are 3 cities. The main city is DESERTO CITY, then second most popular city is SECO CITY, then the least popular city is AREIA CITY. They trade with the other 4 tribes.

Friday, March 11, 2011


VOLCANICS live in the Volcanic Plains. They have a hidden factory built in the Killalayas. Killalayas is one of the biggest volcanos in the world. It has never erupt before. There are 3 VOLCANIC cities. The main city is FOGO CITY, then the second most popular city is QUENTE E SECO CITY, and the least popular city is ENTRE EM ERUPT CITY. VOLCANICS can get lava on itself without getting burned. It trades weapons and metal materials with the other 5 elements. It eats lava ashes and meat. It is very helpful to have as an ally during  war. VAOLCANICS are  very strong.


AQUA SUB move at a 0-225 mph. They are used to travel from ANFIBIA and back to the surface. It is 12 ft long and 10 ft tall. It is used for traveling. ARMORED AQUA SUB are used in the A.A.M.  [ANFIBIOUS ASSAULT MILITARY]./ ENERGY CRYSTALS are full of millions of power cells. It is used for light and electricity. It can power 10 airplane in 3 minutes.