Sunday, March 13, 2011


DESERTIONS are covered in bandages so they don't get the vary hot sand. They have electricity rods in the ground that gives Imagination Island all its electricity. There are 3 cities. The main city is DESERTO CITY, then second most popular city is SECO CITY, then the least popular city is AREIA CITY. They trade with the other 4 tribes.

Friday, March 11, 2011


VOLCANICS live in the Volcanic Plains. They have a hidden factory built in the Killalayas. Killalayas is one of the biggest volcanos in the world. It has never erupt before. There are 3 VOLCANIC cities. The main city is FOGO CITY, then the second most popular city is QUENTE E SECO CITY, and the least popular city is ENTRE EM ERUPT CITY. VOLCANICS can get lava on itself without getting burned. It trades weapons and metal materials with the other 5 elements. It eats lava ashes and meat. It is very helpful to have as an ally during  war. VAOLCANICS are  very strong.


AQUA SUB move at a 0-225 mph. They are used to travel from ANFIBIA and back to the surface. It is 12 ft long and 10 ft tall. It is used for traveling. ARMORED AQUA SUB are used in the A.A.M.  [ANFIBIOUS ASSAULT MILITARY]./ ENERGY CRYSTALS are full of millions of power cells. It is used for light and electricity. It can power 10 airplane in 3 minutes.


DEATH SERPENTS live in the Death Channel between Imagination Island and Skull Island. It eats schools of STRIKER, big boats and subs, and sometimes whales. It is 150 meters long [600 ft].  It can swim 125 mph.


HALIBITE have 13 eyes. They eat anything that swim up to them. It is very camouflage. It lives in Lake of Fear. It is rarely seen. It is born in the ground just live seeds, and never leave their spot.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


GIANT OCTOPUS are 100 meters [ 400 ft]. It lives in the Lake of Fear. It eats CROB and large fish. It can swim just like octopus. If you were swimming GIANT OCTOPUS would leave you alone, but if you were in a large boat or sub it might mistaken you for a big fish. They are very smart. Just like anfibians. They can swim 90 mph./ CROB are really large crab. Crob are 20 ft tall. They have spikes above its head. It can survive on land for 135 days. They are usually found in the water, that's stomisel were its food lives. It eats KALOMARI, SPLICE, dead STRIKER, LEMENON, and STOMISEL.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


NIGHTMARE are a 2 headed eel. It never swims outside of its hole. It eats shrimp, LEMENON, STOMISEL and baby SPLICE.  It is mostly found along the lake floor of Lake of Fear. Its heads can grow up to be 8 ft tall./ KALOMARI are sting ray body combined with a swordfish. It live on the lake floor. It eats small creators on the sand or between rocks. It can grow to 6-7 ft long. It uses its sharp sword jaw for protection or ripping up dead big fish, whale, and STOMISEL. / LEMENON are 3 ft long fish. It eats small fish, plankton, shrimp, and dead aquatic animals like KALOMARI. It has a 10 inched sized jaw. It has sharp spikes for protection. It Swims at a 9 mph pace. If trying to hunt for food 16 mph pace. It is eaten by most fish in Lake of Fear. It has really sharp teeth./ SPECTURE eat LEMENON, CATCHER, SPLICE, STOMISEL, and sometimes KALOMARI. Its a really large bird [12-15 ft tall] Its wings span is 10-11 ft long. It flies 157 mph and swims 73 mph. It is usually rode by ANFIBIOUS./ SPLICE are the size of a 2 normal eels tied together. That's were it gets its name. It is 12 feet long. It can fit in cramped spaces like OCTOEYE. It eats shrimp and guppy./ STRIKER are 3 times the size of a normal hammerhead shark. It has a hammerhead gust like hammerhead shark. It is 23 ft long. It eats KALOMARI, LEMENON, CATCHER, STOMISEL and anything it can catch.
/ CATCHER get their name because ANFIBIOUS go fishing and usually only come back with a large number of catcher. That's because catcher eat anything. It is 6-7 ft long. It is a slow swimmer.  

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


REEPER live in the Lake of fear's abyss. Its jaw can open to the size of a soccer ball. Its teeth is razor sharp. It can pop a tire with its teeth. 4 ft long fish./ OCTOEYE are 8 ft long and 3 ft wide. It has 8 eyes. Lives in the whole Lake of Fear.  It is a very fast swimmer. It can rip a piece of metal off a boat. It has 4 ft size jaw. It can swim threw really cramp spaces./ STOMISEL are fat little fish. They can store food in its stomach 2 times the size. of itself. It is 4 ft long and 2 ft tall. It is known for being prey to almost every fish in Lake of Fear.