Tuesday, March 8, 2011


REEPER live in the Lake of fear's abyss. Its jaw can open to the size of a soccer ball. Its teeth is razor sharp. It can pop a tire with its teeth. 4 ft long fish./ OCTOEYE are 8 ft long and 3 ft wide. It has 8 eyes. Lives in the whole Lake of Fear.  It is a very fast swimmer. It can rip a piece of metal off a boat. It has 4 ft size jaw. It can swim threw really cramp spaces./ STOMISEL are fat little fish. They can store food in its stomach 2 times the size. of itself. It is 4 ft long and 2 ft tall. It is known for being prey to almost every fish in Lake of Fear.


  1. Great drawings and descriptions Parker!

  2. Can you send me a map to the Lake Of Fear, please?

  3. Whoa, dude. A jaw that can open to the size of a soccer ball is huge!
